Big-4 firepower… Nano-1 pricing and simplicity.
A strategy without risk taking is a to-do list. My job is to narrow the spectrum of uncertainty until instinct becomes “informed”- empowering you to execute.
I have 30 years government and private sector experience working for and/or advising Fortune 100s, ASX 100s, State and Federal Governments.
I’ve led teams in Risk, Emergency, Compliance, Security and Resilience and worked hand-in-glove with Strategy, M&A, C-Suites and Boards.
I’ve either done it, seen it, heard about it, or know somebody who has. If a task is beyond me… I’ll call it and refer somebody smarter than me.
These are the (main) things we should talk about:
Me acting in a senior risk role in a time of need - I have acted as interim Chief Risk Officer for government agencies and multi-national corporations
Linking strategy and risk
Deep dives on complex risks (including M&A)
Appetite for risk taking
Risk workshops (up to and including C-Suite Lead Teams)
Strengthening internal teams
Risk team “irrelevance interventions”
Independent (but collaborative) opinion / reviews
Risk profile completeness analysis
Crisis and emergency management
Organisational resilience
X - I’m not the guy for forms and templates. Use Google and save.
I have a very affordable day rate as compared to sailing under the BIG4 Flag so you get the BIG4 / Fortune100 experience without the added expense. (When I was a fully utilised BIG4 Director I was $3250 per day - and I’m better now).
30 years experience means I’m fast. If a team of juniors can do it in a week, I can probably do it in a couple of days. Not because I’m smarter but because I’ve probably already done it a bunch of times.
I predominantly serve one global client for a portion of my time and partner with one international Risk Consulting Practice and one international Protective Security Consultancy for the balance. Whilst you may need to wait weeks or months for service - it’s worth it!
I live in a cottage in the mountains outside Melbourne but work all over the world (in person or via tech) so geography isn’t a blocker. I absolutely love my cottage, everyone in it, and my mountains.
There are no more tabs on this website. We can sort everything else out when we talk / email.
…You can’t get your people to call my people. I don’t have any. Its just me, Richard Stanwix (Nano-1).
Meet the team to see who you’d prefer to work with…
Richard the Consultant.
He’s the one you roll out to Boards and Executives. He’s a bit boring but a safe pair of hands with important stakeholders. He’s worked with multiple Boards, Listed and Private C-Suite Teams and leaders of Government Agencies.
Ricardo the Adventurer
Ricardo knows that taking risks can reap the most exciting rewards. He is not risk averse and doesn’t think you should be either. He does however think that there is no harm in fully exploring the threats and opportunities inherent in choices.
Rich the Mountain Recluse
Rich is a firm believer in “Occams Razor” / law of economy. Spending time in nature has shown him that nothing should be any more, nor any less complex than it needs to be for the given situation. Especially risk management.
Dick the Do-Gooder
Dick believes in fighting for rights, equality and protection of people, animals and the environment. He won’t represent organisations that are intentionally causing harm unless the task is to solve the root cause problem.